Title Examiner
Job Title: Title Examiner
Job Type: Full time
Title Examiner will search, analyze, and evaluate records on title for land, homes, and other buildings to insure that the title to a property is free and clear of restrictions that may affect its sale or use. The findings of a title search and examination are needed to issue title insurance for parties acquiring an interest in said properties.
Primary Duties and Responsibilities:
- Examine documents from Title Searchers to determine the appropriate requirements to clear title, exceptions from coverage, legal description, and vested owner of subject property to be included in the title commitment.
- Evaluate which documents need to be reviewed to determine the insurability of the property and the insured parties of a transaction.
- Create and revise title commitment as necessary.
- Verify that title insurance rates and coverage provided on the title commitment are given in accordance with instructions received by the insured parties of the transaction and in accordance with our office and underwriting guidelines.
- Insure that title products are completed in a timely manner and are of the highest quality. The examiner should determine order priority, the specific needs of our clients, and the instructions from their supervisor.
- Communicate with office staff and clients regarding issues with requested title insurance coverage or defects that may impact the closing of a transaction.
- Communicate to supervisors any issues that may affect the closing of a transaction and any circumstances that may lead to a client or customer dissatisfaction.
- Meet and exceed the needs of our office and our clients by completing the specific tasks associated with the Title Examiner position and assisting others with their duties whenever possible.
- At least one year of title experience and High School degree.
- Able to follow all company procedures and policies including meeting the company customer service expectations.
- Strong research and investigative skills.
- Title Producer’s License is a plus. (If not, must obtain within one year of employment.)
- Knowledge of title insurance, regulatory guidelines, legal documents, and real property law a plus.
*All applicants will be subject to a background check.
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